

  • Recruitment process: We are currently looking for players who meet the following criteria:

    • Have reached at least Radiant rank in competitive mode

    • Have a positive attitude and good communication skills

    • Have a flexible schedule and can commit to regular practice sessions

    • Have experience in playing in amateur or professional tournaments

    • Have a preferred role and agent pool that fits our team composition

    • If you are interested in joining us, please fill out this [application form] and we will contact you for a tryout.

  • Training schedule: We plan to train at least four times a week, for three hours each session. Our training sessions will consist of:

    • Warm-up: Aim training, deathmatch, custom games

    • Strategy: Reviewing maps, agents, lineups, tactics, and scenarios

    • Scrimmage: Playing against other teams to test our skills and strategies

    • Feedback: Analyzing our performance, identifying strengths and weaknesses, and setting goals for improvement

  • Tournament participation: We aim to participate in as many tournaments as possible, both online and offline. Some of the upcoming tournaments that we are interested in are:

    • Red Bull Campus Clutch: A global tournament for student teams, with a chance to qualify for the grand final in Turkey in November 2023.

    • VCT 2024 Challengers Split 1 Playoffs: The first stage of the Valorant Champions Tour 2024, where teams compete for a spot in the Masters event in Madrid, Spain.

    • ValoPlant: A platform that hosts weekly tournaments and leagues for Valorant teams of all skill levels, with prizes and rankings.

  • Investment opportunities: We are looking for investors who can support us financially and help us grow as a team. In return, we can offer you:

    • Exposure: We will promote your brand on our website, social media, streams, and jerseys.

    • Revenue: We will share a percentage of our winnings and sponsorships with you.

    • Influence: We will listen to your feedback and suggestions on how to improve our team.

    • Loyalty: We will stay committed to our partnership and represent you with pride and professionalism.

Prozen Roadmap

Promotional Content

Logo and Brand Design

Work I did for an up and coming Valorant ORG

Established the brand and vision of the organization. Developed roadmap for prospective investors and customers.

Devised new ways of attracting talent and used video, graphics, and branding to persuade potential candidates to join the organization.

Produced Prozen branded clothing that aligned with brand identity and values. Adopted a print on demand approach that enabled clothing to be manufactured as orders came in. This was achieved using various programs and leveraging cloud technology.

Ted Thomas Tax Liens

As Sales & Manager Director at Ted Thomas Tax Liens, I led and collaborated with teams of developers, marketers, sales, and customers. I devised solutions to challenges and enhanced marketing methods based on research and feedback from customers and stakeholders. I set clear goals that achieved excellent results. Using various frameworks, my teams and I delivered on time, increased revenue, and built customer trust while upholding the company’s brand and values.

SEO & Blogs

We improved our website’s Google rankings by applying SEO techniques. We updated the website and enhanced every element, from headlines, content, and image layout. We also created a blog section to offer useful information to our visitors and boost our credibility and relevance for Google. We verified our improvements with various analytics tools and competitor research. We also adopted some creative strategies, such as making captivating videos, using social media to attract traffic, and building backlinks from trustworthy sources.


I led a team achieving over $500,000 in organic sales revenue in one year by using YouTube marketing to attract and convert more customers. We made videos that were relevant and appealing to our audience, based on keyword and competitor research. We also added links to our website and encouraged viewers to take action. We used tools like TubeBuddy, VidIQ, Canva, and Google Analytics to enhance our videos and measure our results. Our videos ranked well on YouTube and Google, bringing us more traffic, views, likes, comments, and shares. We also increased our website’s visibility on Google by embedding our videos on our pages.

YouTube Strategy Guides and Funnel

Agile Scrum

Used agile scrum to plan and execute sprints, which are short iterations of work that deliver a potentially shippable product increment. Conducted regular meetings with the scrum team and stakeholders to review the progress, feedback, and results of each sprint. These meetings include sprint planning, daily stand-ups, sprint reviews, and sprint retrospectives. The purpose of these meetings is to ensure alignment, transparency, communication, and continuous improvement among the team members and stakeholders.